Vegetable Garden for Beginners

A vegetable garden for beginners can be an excellent way to save money on groceries.

Building a raised vegetable garden takes time, but not too much money, and is an excellent way to grow foods at your own home.

Come up with your own home vegetable garden plans to help you stay a stay a stay at home mom.

In the 1940’s, during WW2, the government rationed staples like dairy products, sugar, coffee, and canned foods.

Citizens, both urban and rural were encouraged to contribute to the war effort by planting Victory Gardens, since labor and transportation shortages made it difficult to get fresh produce to market.

Americans responded. In 1943, it is estimated that over 20 million Americans planted Victory Gardens, most for the first time, and learned how to can and preserve their harvest.

Well, ladies, it’s time to plant a Victory Garden again! Not to support a war effort, but to support our victory over financial control, our way to help preserve our finances and stay at home with our children.

No matter where you live, whether it is in an apartment in the city or a mobile home in the country, you can contribute to your family’s food needs by your efforts to grow foods.

Why Vegetable Garden for Beginners?

Save money on fresh, organic produce for your families and hedge against rising costs of foods

Teach your children a valuable life skill

Feed your family a more healthy, better tasting array of foods

There’s just nothing like the clean, fresh, untreated taste of fruits and vegetables grown in your own backyard. And if you believe in the health benefits of organic foods, growing your own is the only real way to save.

Time and again, when I talk to families who say that they spend less than $100 a month to feed their family of 6, they all have one thing in common: they grow foods in their backyard. Most do not have a large backyard, but they make use of the space they do have. All started their vegetable garden for beginners and through time and hard work they have produced a food system that they can rely on. You can too.

How much money do you spend on a weekly basis on fresh produce? I am a big proponent of fresh foods, and this makes up the largest portion of my grocery budget, usually around $20-30 per week.

Using coupons, I can get a complete diet of processed foods nearly free on a monthly basis without much effort.

But, because I do not feel right feeding these foods to my family (I do occasionally) I usually pass on these deals. And having a coupon for produce is extremely rare.

Building a raised vegetable garden will not only feed your family, it will give you a sense of control over your finances. As grocery prices climb, not everyone will be able to afford fresh produce on a regular basis. But due to your own preparation, your family will, at a fraction of the cost.

And you can do so much more with your produce other than making a salad! Excess foods from your vegetable garden for beginners can be frozen, canned, preserved (think strawberry jam), pickled, made into soups, sauces, chutneys, or dried for later use. To save money on canning supplies, check your local thrift stores and Craigslist.

In addition, any surplus produce you have, after canning and preserving for winter, can be sold, or traded to others for items that you need or desire. You can make crafts with your garden harvest, sell fresh or canned produce at a farmer’s market, or even start a small CSA.

Building a raised vegetable garden for beginners just makes sense. What is a raised bed garden? This is where, instead of digging into the earth, you build on top of it, using your home vegetable garden plans you square off an area for your garden, and then place your soil on top.

Now, I know what you are thinking. Chances are, this is not the first time you have thought about starting a vegetable garden for beginners to grow foods. But, you know no one who gardens. You mom didn’t. Your mother-in-law didn’t either. And you did try once, three years ago, and killed the whole thing. (Oh, wait! I’m telling you my story!) But there is hope!

I came across a wonderful resource for those interested in starting a vegetable garden for beginners, building a raised vegetable garden, and home vegetable garden plans.

If you are interested in starting a vegetable garden for beginners to grow foods, but don’t know where to start, I encourage you to check out the set of tools offered by Julie Villani.

She describes building a raised vegetable garden in detail, tells you the best (and easiest) vegetables to plant, shows you how to check your soil pH levels, how to make your soil perform, and how to grow your organic foods.

A must for those just starting out in vegetable gardening! In addition to the Organic Food Gardening Beginners Manual, Julie includes the following in her gardening kit:

My Garden DiarySeed Saving Tips & Techniques

4 Year Plot Rotation Plan

Check out this great resource! Your garden will thank you!

Organic Food Gardening Beginners Manual by Julie Villani

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