Paper Back Swap

Paper Back Swap is my favorite of all book swap sites.

It’s an online book swap that gives you credits to find other books that you want!

If you’re looking for a good, free, hard cover or paperback book swap, read on to learn how this great program works.

Online book swap sites are an idea whose time has come.

Now instead of having access to a few hundred books at your local book exchange store, you have access to literally millions of books.

And the website Paper Back Swap has become my new, highly addictive hobby!

Just the Facts About Paper Back Book Swap

It’s free to join PaperBack SwapIt’s not just a paperback book swap site; hard cover books and audio books are available as well

For each book that you ship to another member, you receive one credit to use on a book of your choice

You don’t have to order a book from the member who got your book, you can order from anyone

You don’t pay postage when you request a book, only when someone requests a book from you

You can print postage online and mail the book from your home

If you run out of books to swap but still want books that other people have available, you can buy a book credit cheaper than you can have a penny book shipped on other used book sites

If the book you are looking for is not available, you can wish list it. Paper Back Swap will email you when someone lists it (this is a whole lot of fun! I got 2 wish list items my first week)You get 2 free credits to get you started when you list 10 books to swap

Sign Up for PaperBack Swap

It’s easy to join the best of the book swap sites and start to online book swap.

Click Here to Get Started with Paper Back Swap

Sign up for free, then list 10 books you have laying around your house and they will give you 2 free credits! The perfect way to try it all out and see how it works. Have fun with it.

TIP: Here’s how I do my paperback book swap on Paper Back Swap. First, I browse through all the books that I’m looking for and I add them to my Wish List if they are not available. If they are available, I add them to my Reminder List.

The Reminder List is another one of the cool features offered on this, the best of the book swap sites. When someone orders one of my books and I get a credit, I will go to my Reminder List and pick out a book.

Now here’s where it gets fun. The reminder list tells me how many copies of that book are currently available on all of Paper Back Swap! So one book I want may have 50 copies, but another may only have 1 copy. I order the ones with limited copies first, and save the ones with multiple copies for later.

Of course, if you are not looking for specific books, but just for reading material, you can read reviews and browse entire categories instead. This is just my method for acquiring harder to find books.

Do you know of any book swaps other then these?

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